The Junior League of Charlottesville Endowment Fund ” the Living Legacy Fund” was first established in 1992. Designed to be self-sustaining, the Living Legacy Fundhelps ensure long term, stable financing to support the League and its community service endeavors in the years ahead. There are many opportunities for giving ” at all income levels” whether you donate stocks and bonds, make a contribution in honor of a new baby, a family member's birthday, or pledge $10 for every year you have served in the League.

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Principal Preserved

The Living Legacy Fund enables us to turn each dollar into many dollars. Your contribution becomes principal that is not spent on projects, but rather is invested to create income; income generated by these investments to support the League and its many worthy projects.

Why the Living Legacy Endowment Fund?

There are many ways the Fund benefits you as a donor:

Making a Donation is Simple

The Living Legacy welcomes:

The League's Research and Development Committee, in conjunction with the Board of Directors, administers the Fund. This committee has established investment guidelines and makes final decisions on the actual investments. Annual reporting is generated with the assistance of independent accountants. Reports are available at the office of the Junior League of Charlottesville.

We know we all share in a commitment to long-term service to those in need in our community. We have made a real difference for many women, children and families and the Living Legacy Fundwill guarantee continued resources to those most in need.

Thank you for considering a donation that helps sustain the League and furthers service to our community.